Personal Information

This is information on the purpose of this section.


Profile Image

This is information on the purpose of this section.



This is information on the purpose of this section.



Business Information


This is information on the purpose of this section.


Only JPEG and PNG files are allowed.

Image Uploaded. Change


This is information on the purpose of this section.


Bank - Accounts

This is information on the purpose of this section.


Change Account


This is information on the purpose of this section.



Repayment Card

This is information on the purpose of this section.


Saved Cards:

Card Added.


Use another Card

Provide Loan Details.

Select amount and Duration.

Use Slider Use Text

{{repayment | currency('₦')}}

{{form.obj().data.amount | currency('₦')}}
{{form.obj().data.tenor}} {{loan.tenorDesc[]}}

Loan Purpose

This is information on the purpose of this section.


Next of Kin

This is information on the purpose of this section.


Expense Information

Provide details of the amount spent on each of the requested item..


Upload Attachment

Select the type of document you want to upload and attach file.


Where are you located?

Where are you making this request from? Kindly grant us permission to get your GPS co-ordinates.

Thank you. Your co-ordinate has been sucessfully gotten.


Review your application.

By clicking the 'Agree' button, I consent to {{form.lenderName}} Limited obtaining information from relevant third parties as may be necessary, on my employment details, salary payment, loans and other related data, to make a decision on my loan application. I also consent to the loan amounts being deducted from my salary at source before credit to my account and any outstanding loans being recovered automatically from any other accounts linked to me in the case of default Learn More

{{ | currency('₦')}}
{{}} {{loan.tenorDesc[]}}

Update Application

Determing Eligibility..

New Offer

Your request has been analysed and we have an offer for you.


Review the final offer from the lender.

{{summary.newOffer.allowed_amount | currency('₦')}}
{{summary.newOffer.allowed_duration}} {{summary.newOffer.allowed_duration_type}}
{{summary.newOffer.allowed_rate}}% {{summary.newOffer.allowed_rate_type}}
{{summary.newOffer.total_repayment | currency('₦')}}

Reject Offer

Request Denied

Sorry, we can not grant your request at the moment. Kindly try again after 48hrs.

Account Suspended


An Error has occured.

404 The requested application could not be found


Application Successful.

Your loan application has been received.
Thank you for choosing {{form.lenderName}}.

View Contract

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We are trying to save you some time. Has any thing changed since the last time you visited?

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